A call for transparency:

Report anonymously any situation that goes against the corporate principles and values of the IMSA Group.

Who can report cases on the Ethics line?

The Ethics Hotline has been created so that employees, suppliers, clients and, in general, all the public of the IMSA Group, anonymously report unethical behavior that is detrimental to our ethical culture.

Without fears

The report of irregular situations or aspects should not entail fears or fears, since our Organization is committed to protecting the identity of people and the total confidentiality of their statements. In no case, the Organization will initiate reprisals or actions against those who in good faith have acted in favor of an ethical culture.

What issues should be dealt with through the Ethics Line?

Omissions of controls and regulations, fraud or theft, misappropriation of assets, manipulation of financial statements, corruption, conflicts of interest of third parties, misuse of the organization's assets, disclosure of privileged information, technological abuse, harassment, violation of laws or regulations and labor relations, bad work environment and/or personal conflicts.


The Ethics Line is a channel enabled from Monday to Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Grupo IMSA guarantees the confidentiality of its reports to the people who contact the Ethics Line. The call is anonymous, the receptionist does not have access to the telephone number and the contract with the Call Center has a confidentiality clause, guaranteeing that there will be no reprisals for the person who reports the case.

Colombia: 018000 411 354

Brazil: 0800 761 5021


Correo electrónico: grupo-imsa@lineatransparencia.com